About Us
The story of how it all started, and what it is today
It all began with the rescue of 13 birds from a horrific situation…
Trish Koile answered a classified ad selling bird cages and she found 13 birds caged in a room with no sunlight, neglected, unhealthy, and left in unimaginable filth.
The water bowls were not being changed or cleaned as water was just being added to the dishes that were black with mold and mildew. The food was old and apparently not being eaten because it was also being eaten and contaminated by rats. One of the birds had died and was just left in its cage.
Trish bought the cages for the asking price and demanded that the birds be surrendered immediately to her care. You can see a video clip of the original rescue on the In the News page.
The birds were removed and transported to Trish’s home where the overwhelming project of reconditioning the cages and nursing the abused birds back to health was undertaken.
As Trish Koile and her husband, Tony, became experts by necessity in exotic bird rescue and rehabilitation, Patty’s Parrot Palace was established in 2010 as the founders saw the need for a permanent solution for numerous birds that were displaced due to economical, behavioral, and other personal reasons. Word got out and more aviary residents were being added to their care.
Today, Patty’s Parrot Palace is a licensed, non-profit organization with a new, expanded sanctuary in DeLand, Florida, supported by corporate sponsors, “parronts,” volunteers, donors, and bird owners who let their pets stay at the Palace while they are away. The Palace provides temporary boarding, bird rescues, rehabilitation, and more.
Owner and president, Trish Koile also hosts classes for bird training, appears for speaking engagements and exhibits with some of the birds from the Palace, and offers one-on-one behavioral counseling for birds with bad habits or unruly personalities.
For some birds,Patty’s Parrot Palace is a for a tropical vacation resort. For others it is their new permanent home. And for some, it is rehabilitative spa for healing, recuperation, and learning to live on their own to be set to flight in the wild.
At Patty’s Parrot Palace, the guiding mission statement is:
“The bird comes first.”
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